Little City Kitchen Co. Blog

Handcrafted, organic, frozen baby food with an International twist
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About Jill

Jill Epner is a life-long foodie and the owner of Little City Kitchen Co., a new Bay Area-based company dedicated to making handcrafted, frozen, organic baby food.  In Spring 2011, she launched an International baby food line in addition to her seasonal baby food available at Bay Area farmers markets.  Find selling locations here.

Little City Kitchen Co. also offers hands-on cooking classes in her Emeryville commercial kitchen.  Class size is limited to nine participants, and you get to take home everything you make!

Class topics include:

  • Making your own organic baby food (three classes: 6+ month, 9+ month, and International baby foods)
  • Cooking with Whole Grains: the new Superfood
  • Easy Entertaining: Making the Perfect Party Appetizers
  • Healthy Lunches: Eating Well During the Week, and many more…

Check out our upcoming cooking class schedule or for more information, follow the Little City Kitchen Co. blog.

7 Comments to “About Jill”

  1. Alma says:

    Hi Jill,

    I must say that your blog post is highly educative and inspiring- love it!!!

    However, I would love to talk to you about baby food business :)

    I’m looking forward to hearing back from you.

    Thank you,

  2. Brad says:

    Hi Jill,

    My wife and I are in the beginning stages of a website that features only the best products for babies and expecting mothers. It’s focus is on SF Bay Area business owners. I’d like to start a dialogue with you to see if you would be interested in allowing us to feature your products on our site. Looking forward to your response.

    Brad, Christy and Braden (16 mos).

  3. Paige Cook says:

    I can’t wait to try the soaking technique you recommend. One reason I don’t make more beans is the gassiness it causes. Thanks Jill! This was a great blog post!

  4. Kara Stokes says:

    Hi Jill,

    As a mother to a 5.5 month old daughter starting solids and from watching your dream come to life through updates from Spike and this website, you have opened our families eyes and ears to the benefit of organic baby food. THANK YOU!!!! I can’t wait to get her on the organic train and to sample some of your baby foods either on a trip to Cali or when they become available online.
    All our support and good east coast energy-
    Kara & Spike Stokes

  5. [...] not being a personal chef. There is no failure there, just a morph to something new. Check out her website and read about her journey on her [...]

  6. Rick says:

    Hi Jill, It was a pleasure and honor to meet with you and participate in your cooking class at the Birth and Baby Fair a couple of weeks ago. Thanks so much for everything. I think next time we’ll have to calculate how many burners we can have on at one time before it overloads… at least we figured that we needed to reset the breaker. Always feel free to ask me any questions or if you need help with anything that has to do with construction and or carpentry. You never know that I may be useful… Also, there was a small typo error in our daughters name, it”s spelled Samantha Love. Can you possibly correct that for us. Again, Thanks much Rick & Lisa

  7. Carol Beaulieu says:

    Jill – I found this from Linked In!

    It’s such a great idea & I’m so happy for you. Seems like such a perfect fit – brings it all together. Of course it’s hard not wish you were in Boston. You’re going to be a great success & I’ll be able to say I knew you when…

    wishing you all the best

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